Tevfik EKİCİ
(03.06. - 12.06. 2011)

Born 1973 in Konya- Ereğli, Tevfik Ekici
studied Advertising and Economy. He lives since five years in Akyaka and works
at the Muğla University’s Media and Public Relations Unit.
Having presented his work in diverse
group exhibitions, this exhibition is his third personal show.
“My inclination for photography began
with the mechanical Zenith photo camera I bought on the Russian Market and even
if it was interrupted by my losing this camera on the Istanbul ferry between
Eminönü and Kadıköy, I tried to develop my passion with other mechanic cameras
and in my dark room. Of course later on I could not go on without entering the
digital branch of photography and started to use digital cameras.
The digital revolution, the fact that
one can see the takes immediately, brought on my passion to take photographs of
everything I see. Bu uniting this easiness with the weakness to unnecessarily
record everything, results in superfluous ballast in my own human memory. Most
people solve this problem by occasionally using the ‘use- consume- throw away’
approach. I think that this moment destroys the rhythm of someone, who tries to
record ambience rather than to feel the reality of it.
Whereas the moment is a “remembrance” in
itself, a photograph is the real moment with all the sense of how it feels, an
instant recoiling. Sometimes being the one who tries to catch the momentous
moment, sometimes the right moment, to be the one who prefers this moment, to
wait and to carry the weight of knowing that this means abandoning all other
moments- just like in real life…”
