Association of the Friends of Gökova-Akyaka
2006 Exhibitions
Exhibitions take place in the Nail Çakırhan & Halet Çambel Culture and Art House
Openings are
free and
Exhibitions are free of charge and open for the public
19.05 - 28.05 Muhittin Köroğlu 02.06 - 11.06 N. Bozkurt / B. Oyman 16.06 - 25.06 Dineke Mühürdaroğlu 30.06 - 09.07 Nevin Ünal 14.07 - 23.07 Sevgi Aktur Workshop 28.07 - 06.08 Mehmet Bildirici 11.08 - 20.08 Georgeta Ionel Gözen 25.08 - 03.09 Emel Gülsoy 08.09 - 17.09 Ülkü Onur 22.09 - 01.10 Ayten Timuroğlu 06.10 - 15.10 Ebru Baran 20.10 - 29.10 Akyaka Sanat Merkezi