Nilüfer Aktarıcı, Türkan
Hasbay, Ebru Baran
(12.08. - 21.08. 2011)
Group Exhibition -Linocut
Nilüfer Aktarıcı
“I was born 1971 in Muğla. I completed my studies at the Painting Department of
the Buca Education Faculty of the 9 Eylül University in Izmir. Until now I had
one personal exhibition. The origin of the characters, reflected in my pictures,
is my grandfather. I learned to love old people and to listen to them from my
grandfather, whose face always smiled. I have been impressed by the changes life
has left in their faces, hands, feet, bodies, because I believe that everything
I live is collected in my bones. In the moment I work as art teacher at the
Gymnasium for Fine Arts in Muğla.”
Ebru Baran
“I was born 1972 in Ankara. In 1994 I graduated from the Painting Department of
the Gazi Education Faculty of the Gazi University. I opened 4 personal and
participated in several group exhibitions. Momentarily I work as art teacher at
the Gymnasium for Fine Arts in Muğla. Is it possible to find ‘reality’, living a
life hidden behind the symbols and attributes of the apparent world…? A fish
doesn’t always has to be a ‘fish’… Didn’t a piece of wood in nature carry the
possibility to be mankind’s first wheel?”
Türkan Hasbay
“I was born 1962 in Izmir. I graduated as graphic designer from the Painting
Department of the Buca Education Faculty of the 9 Eylül University in Izmir in
1984. I opened 2 personal and participated in several group exhibitions. In my
oil paintings and engravings I concentrate on capturing the ‘moment’, to depict
cuts and subjects of a momentous life. In the moment I work as art teacher at
the Gymnasium for Fine Arts in Muğla.”
Linocut is a Printing Method
is a carving technique on a hardy wax like surface. The cut out spaces appear
white while the elevated parts come out black. The best paint to use is
printer’s ink. When the drawing and carving work is finished, the picture
appears by pressing the lino tablet on paper.

