Halet Çambel and Nail Çakırhan
1+1 = (is really) One*
Photography Exhibition
(07.10. - 16.10. 2011)
(Compiled and designed by Bahar Suseven and Thomas Schmitz,
in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Halet Çambel and Dr. Murat Akman)
exhibitions have shown Halet Çambel and Nail Çakırhan. So why have yet another
exhibitions have shown them as single persons, as the laurelled and much esteemed
Professor for Archaeology and Expert for Hittite History and, as in Nail
Çakırhan’s case, of course as a price- winning Master Builder, Poet and critical
Newspaper Writer, each exhibition featuring the spouse on a “sideline” (for
short biographies please see
Rarely have
they been shown together, as a very successful couple, married for over 60 years
and never bored with each other. Together they mastered a life full of love,
respect, work, activity, productivity, exchange, innovations- yet, each of them
also lead a very different life from the other: Halet Abla* leading
the excavations in Karatepe and many other places, spending every winter there
since more than 50 years, Nail Abi* busy with building his beautiful
awarded houses and facilities all over Turkey. Rich and satisfying professional
lives, yet mutual respect and exchange in their relationship; no decision has
ever been made without consulting the other, nothing stayed undiscussed, no
matter was trivial enough not be shared with each other, everything was worth
talking about…
We count
ourselves lucky to have been friends for so long and could spend so much time
with them (as we still do, whenever possible with our beloved Halet Abla). Their
“togetherness” was always palpable and very impressive. An example for us
“youngsters”, an ideal. And this is what we want to show, the ideal couple,
their life and their lives- as one, inseparable and fruitful stream of mutual
respect and love.
based on a book title by Nail Çakırhan and Nazım Hikmet Ran (1930)
*- Abla = elder sister, Abi = elder brother -
