Mehtap Cömert
(11.06. - 20.06. 2010)

Mehtap Çömert was born in 1952 in Edirne. She worked as a primary school
teacher in the villages of Edirne between 1970 and 1973. She graduated from
the State School of Fine Arts, Decorative Painting Department in 1977 and
worked as manager of the Edirne State Fine Arts Gallery between 1978 and
1984 where she organized many exhibitions of different institutes,
organisations and people. She was awarded an honourable mention by Akbank in
the Marmara Regional Photography Competition in 1980 and was awarded the
same in the Akbank Interregional Photography Competition. She founded the
Mural Decoration Department of the Edirne Profession High School of the
Thrace University in 1985. She worked as a lecturer in the same department
between 1985 and 1997. She graduated as Master of Fine Arts in Traditional
Turkish Handicrafts from the Mimar Sinan University in 1987 and was
appointed a position as the Head of Painting and Handicraft Department of
the Education Faculty of the Thrace University in 1996. She is still working
as an Assistant Associate Professor at the same faculty.
The artist showed her work in 17 individual exhibitions inland and abroad
and participated in various drawing and photography group exhibitions. She
furthermore gave conferences with slide shows about the traditional local
art of decoration (Kalemişleri) of Edirne Houses and, especially, of the
Edirne Selimiye Mosque and. She produced mural paintings for various
organisations and in private buildings.
She published twenty-five essays about the decoration of the Edirne Houses
and the Selimiye Mosque in various culture, art and decorations magazines.
The artist executed exhibited the results of projects about " Cultural
Values of Edirne" (1997-1998), about a "Comparison of the buildings of
Edirne and Plovdiv in the 17th-18th century and their influence on culture
and education today" (1998-1999) and finished her project about "Edirnekariler"
(traditional richly adorned wooden furnishing), all supported by the
Research Fund of the Thrace University. "Edirnekari" was published as
Prestige Book in 2004. She is a founding member of the Edirne Photographers
Society, EFOT and has been the secretary of the society for many years. She
is one of the founding members of the Edirne Environment Volunteers and a
member of the Edirne Culture and Art Association. She also is an honourable
member of the Edirne Culture and Handicraft Presentation Association.
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