Günay Aral
(28.05. -
06.06. 2010)

Günay Aral was born in Istanbul-Yeşilköy in 1954. Her
interest for art began during her school years when her teachers noticed her
ability and directed her. She was also educated in folk dance and drama.
Accordingly, she worked as a dance teacher in the Yesilköy Community Center
and for some private organisations, represented Turkey abroad and also
played in dramas for one theatre period.
In the Association for People from Ataköy (ADER), she
worked with Nilay Basaran and Gülten Toksöz searching form and colour
search, developing her present style. After cultivating her own style
further in her home studio while living in London, she moved to Paris,
continuing her artistic activities there. Returning to her homeland, she
opened her own studio and started her professional art life, also making
patterns and batik designs for some stores.
She participated in numerous group exhibitions and
also opened individual exhibitions. In her exhibited artwork she prefers
harmonic colours and tones that respond measured and orderly to the nature
in her dream world, always emphasizing the hidden darkness in the ground
even present at times of light. At the same time, she reflects the hidden
light in the background at dark times, thus opening an emotional window in
the world of her imagination.
Aral reflects all the emotions that create action and
reaction on life itself and especially on human beings in all sincerity,
transferring all living things and nature with her own style onto her
canvasses. She continues working in her own studio.
The artist takes place in the project catalogue of
2009 December Denizati Art Gallery, ‘’New Year’s
Present’’ (Mixed)
2009 December V Art – Nişantaşı, ‘’New Year Hello’’ (Mixed)
2009 November Hotel Madison, Get Yellowing Leaves (Mixed)
2009 November Asma Art Gallery, ‘’Contemporary Abstraction’’
2009 November Eskişehir State Fine Arts Gallery, (Mixed)
2009 October Balıkesir State Fine Arts Gallery, (Personal)
2009 October The Madison Hotel Istanbul, ‘’86 Artists in
86thYears of the Republic’’ (Mixed)
2009 October Bakırköy Art Center, ‘’Republican Women of
Istanbul’’ (Mixed)
2009 October Istanbul Art Gallery, ‘’Dance with Colors’’
2009 October Istanbul Cihangir Art, (Mixed)
2009 October W-Afpiaap - Istanbul 2009 Peace Artists ( 1st
International Art Movement Art
Gallery Dolmabahçe )
2009 September Grand Hotel Halic, ‘’Holiday Wind''
2009 August Cihangir Art Istanbul,
‘’Summer Group Exhibition’’ (Mixed)
2009 July Summer Group of Ayvalik,
2009 July Cihangir Art Istanbul,
‘’Group of Summer’’ (Mixed)
2009 June Cekirdek Sanat Istanbul,
2009 April Abra Art Gallery, ‘’Rose Scented
Shower'' (Personal)
2009 March Marmaris International Art
Festival, (Mixed)
2009 January Abra Art Gallery, ''Presents''
2008 November State Fine Arts Gallery Adana, ‘’Joy of
Instant'' (Personal)
2008 October Abra Art Gallery Istanbul, (Colour and Search''
2008 July Abra Art Gallery Istanbul,
''Rainbow Passengers’’ (Mixed)
2008 May Abra Art Gallery Istanbul, ‘’Dream
and Reality’’ (Mixed)
2007 June Istanbul Carousel, (Mixed)
2007 May Istanbul Workshop Exhibition,
2006 June Istanbul Certified Public
Accountant Art Gallery, (Personal)
2004 June Ader Art Atelier, (Mixed)
2004 May Istanbul Carousel, (Mixed)
2003 June Ader Art Atelier, (Mixed)
2003 May Istanbul Workshop Exhibition,
2002 June Istanbul Carousel, (Mixed)
2002 May Ader Art Atelier, (Mixed)
2001 April Istanbul Workshop Exhibition, (Mixed)
2001 June Ader Art Atelier, (Mixed)
2000 June Ader Art Atelier, (Mixed)
