Ayşegül Apak (04 - 13 July)

The artist was born in 1975 in Kars. She finished her basic school education and went to the Salihli high school.
Then she graduated at Celal Bavarian University.

 Between 2001 – 2005 she took lessons in a private painting studio. Because she had studied industrial ceramics, she decided to the give her art the direction of ceramics. She learnt painting technologies as well as to use and to connect them with her ceramics, because pictures are the basis for her ceramics  .

 She continued from 2002 - 2005 her work in the ceramic studio of the Salihli city administration. Because she could not stand anymore the limited conditions there, in 2005 she opened her own studio and continued her work. She produces mostly pieces of art,- not ceramics for use - but also artistic panels, relief-statues, artistic objects which originate from a newly developed technology.

                                                                                                     She also accepts private orders.

2001 Pupil’s exhibition - Manisa
2003 Mixed exhibition Salihli art gallery
2004 Mixed exhibition Salihli art gallery
2005 Mixed exhibition Salihli art gallery
2006 Mixed exhibition Salihli art gallery
2006 Izmir Rotary 9. Ceramic competition
2007 2. EgeArt art exhibition