The exhibition consists of paintings, which have been donated in the last ten years by artists that had exhibitions in our showroom. Our collection offers a variety of local, regional and national paintors in different styles and techniques.
This group exhibition is for the benefit of the Association of the Friends of Gökova-Akyaka, any gain counts as a donation for the association and helps us in our work.
The artists that take part in this exhibition are:
Ayten Taşpınar, Ayten Timuroğlu, Aziz Albek, Bülent Mühürdaroğlu, Emel Gülsoy, Feride Dağlı, Georgeta İonel Gözen, Gülnur Efendioğlu, Hasan Mutlu, Hikmet Öz, Ilgım Veryeri, İrene Cantez, Işık Soytürk, Mücella Küçükalpelli, Nevin Ünal, Orhan Özkaya, Svetlana İnaç, Tülin Çiftçi, Türkan Yalçıner, Ülkü Onur, Vahdet Kadıoğlu and Yıldız Dinçer-Yalçıner