October, 2006 |
Poisoning! |
November, 2006 |
Three Akyaka Dogs Go To German! |
February, 2007 |
Yet Again - Poisonings! |
Mrs Makbule and Mrs Aysel |
Needed – A Care Unite for puppies! |
April, 2007 |
How the Gökova Council Rounds Up Street Dogs And Why
We’ve Protested Against It! |
April, 2007 |
Regular Control of Parasites For Our Street Dogs! |
May, 2007 |
Akyaka’s Mayor Helps With The Supply Of Combination
Rabies Vaccinations! |
May, 2007 |
Cesur (The Brave) – Previously ‘Wölfi” – Is Rescued! |
May – June, 2007 |
Mrs Anita Sets Up Kitten Care In Her Home!
May – June, 2007 |
Our Neutering Program Continues Apace! |
July, 2008 |
An Iguana in Akyaka ? |
(Yes, we have!)
January, 2008 Zeytin is hit by a car
was dumped as a puppy at Akyaka, and then looked after by Sefa
and Saffet at their local shop - their helper Adil was
especially kind. Zeytin was then hit by a car one evening in
January, and the owners of the shop brought him to Muğla Pet
Clinic where he was x-rayed and diagnosed with a dislocated hip.
The clinic did not want to do the complicated operation so the
next day we took Zeytin to Marmaris Villa-pet where Vet. Behcet
Düzgün and his assistants, performed a three hour complex
operation. But Zeytin survived and the hip is in place. For 10
days after the operation he stayed with me then put back to his
usual place. Today, Zeytin is quite healthy and roaming around
the beach – it seemed that he did not want to stay near where he
had had his accident. The man, who had hit Zeytin and just left
him there, was seen by the shop keepers and few others so we
gave a report to the local authorities and later we learned that
the person was fined. So now we are looking for a fixed home for
this beautiful Labrador mix.
2008 Birey
Another handsome brown hunting dog, Birey, who had been dumped
during the winter months in Akyaka, was found with a broken
front leg by village people. Mrs Sema arranged for his operation
at Villa-pet and afterwards he spent his summer at the Sefa
Cooperative with people who cared for him despite some protests
from their neighbours! At the end of summer Birey is once again
roaming freely and he is using his foot again. We desperately
need a home for this lovely good natured dog.
January-March 2008
A new Dog Pound! By the Local Municipal But NOT what we wanted
We have been requesting for years to have a small size, but
decent, sterilization station here, with veterinary services and
an operating room for sterilization. And also a few small rooms
with runs, where we can keep pre-operative mother and pups, post
sterilization dogs, and a quarantine facility for sick dogs. In
short, a mini size Fethiye Rehabilitation Centre. But
unfortunately, at the request of some local people, our mayor
decides instead
to build a ‘collection’place – a few huts with no planning, no
facilities and NO personnel! Something that we have been fighting
against from the very beginning! And instead of bringing the new
arrivals (dumped here from small local villages) ready for
sterilization, they start putting in the already sterilized dogs
from the beach and around the village! According to the new law
of Animal Rights this new place is classified as illegal! We
quickly made our complaints to the mayor and also the local
authorities in Muğla, who later came to check and have requested
its closure. Neuter and Release has been the law and practice in
Akyaka since 2001! FHDD’s mobile clinic and excellent vets are
no longer allowed to come to Akyaka because the Muğla Veterinary
Association complained they were ‘unfair competition’ so
sterilization have stopped for Akyaka. The consequence of this
ban has been that surrounding villages simply dump MORE of their
‘surplus dogs’to Akyaka … Killing dogs or collecting them up
into compounds which usually quickly turn into the most
unhealthy and horrible conditions for these dogs - the VERY LAST
thing we want! We need a proper place (outlined above) where
sterilization can be carried out and the idea promoted to the
surrounding villages. We wrote a protest letter to mayor and all
interested bodies (animal societies, appropriate ministeries
etc.) protesting about the recent happenings here and once again
putting our requests forth (see our letter in the Turkish
version of our website).
_a_small.jpg) Another
suspicion was that the mayor is preparing a base to put in the
dogs during the summer month to stop complains (usually Turkish
holiday makers) and to guarantee the blue flag. But we
definitely know that the emptied places would be filled within
weeks by new comers that have no vaccination, no sterilization
no health check and we have to start everything from the
beginning. And the sterilized, vaccinated and registered dogs
sitting in the compound not allowed to leave the place, a
vicious circle that we definitely have to avoid.
We heard about a similar problem being encountered in the
well-loved British resort town of Didim……thinking it would be
interesting reading about their story and give an idea about
general attitude of local governments!
The news has been taken from the weekly English newspaper of
Voices Altınkum, for full version see website;
‘ANIMAL charity workers in Altinkum were celebrating this week
after a plan to clear 200 stray dogs from the streets was
stopped dead in its tracks.
The council was preparing to act after being told to by Head of
District Ali Katırcı in light of complaints from residents and
holidaymakers about the street dogs. The dogs would have been
caged at the town’s shelter and then released after the end of
the tourist season.
But a Ministry of Parks official, based in Aydin, was alerted to
the scheme and immediately put the block on it after deeming it
to be illegal.
The official visited the town’s shelter last Friday and met with
Didim Friends of the Animals Charity, including Gill Erer as
well as the council vet Ali Durmus
She said: “The official made it quite plain to the council that
what they had proposed to do was in fact against the law and
should not go ahead with it.
“He reminded them of the legal framework that exists and also
was highly complimentary of the cleanliness of the shelter. He
told us that the action was incorrect and the plan could not,
and should not, go ahead.”
She said: “He confirmed that dogs can only be in the shelter for
four days maximum for treatment before being released where they
were found. It is a clear victory for the stray dogs and the
animal campaigners.”
She added: “We will continue to work the council in order that
the neuter and release scheme remains the success that it is.”
Spring, 2008 Too many new arrivals! No end to the dumps…..
this unwanted new compound was made, just as we suspected, there
has been an increase in ‘dumped dogs’ ….. the news spreads so
quickly around local villages and their communities see this as
a solution for the unwanted dogs in THEIR neighbourhood ! We
find nearly 10 new arrivals every month! Far more than Akyaka
has experienced for years!
So …. We’ve discusses this issue with our mayor, Ahmet Çalca,
who asked us for photographs as evidence of these new arrivals,
which we have prepared. His plan is to ask for help from higher
authorities to implement some joint action to solve this
The skinny,
wounded dog shown in the picture, has probably just arrived when
he was photographed along the Sakar Road which is the main entry
to our village. Usually these poor ones are dumped on this road
just where it joins the main highway from Muğla… the lucky ones
find their way into Akyaka, but many of them, sadly become
victims of the busy traffic! When we first see them, we give
them food and water of course. Depending on their state of
health we de-worm and de-flea them (for inner and outer
parasites). Next, they get their complete set of vaccination for
distemper etc. . Next they are sterilized and have rabies
vaccination. If they are the lucky ones they find themselves an
owner or at least a door where they get fed regularly (the one
in the photograph had a happy ending and settled at the local
March, 2008 Meeting with the Major
With nearly 10 arrivals every month we realised that it’s
impossible for our group to keep up with the sterilization and
care of all the animal population of Akyaka. The answer was to
have serious discussions with Ahmet Çalca, the Akyaka Mayor. He
agreed to this and so the meeting was attended by Mrs Sema, Mrs
Heidi and Mr Tarkan. We brought up our problems and at the end
of the meeting it was decided that Akyaka Municipality would
take on the financial burden of sterilization (FHDD was still
sterilizing our dogs for free but our volunteers had to drive
the dogs and cats to the Fethiye centre 100 km. away from
Akyaka. Usually we made this run with our private cars (and our
petrol in Turkey is the highest priced in the whole world!) but
occasionally we asked for vehicles from the municipality.
While we wait for our own sterilization and rehabilitation
Centre, we continue to use the assistance of Vet Hasan Ulaş
(Karya vet at Gökova) who does the sterilization and keep the
dogs post-operative in his own kennels in Gökova. Vet Hasan then
bills the Council for his expenses. The Council also supports us
with dry food which we need large quantities in winter! In case
of emergencies we continue to ask for vehicles, although usually
we bring dogs and cats ourselves to the vets.
As for our future plans we must make a real effort to encourage
sterilization of dogs in the neighbouring villages, Ahmet bey
has promised to help us with this as well. We plan to organize
trips to villages and talk with the local muhtars to help poor
villagers to understand the need for sterilization of their
bitches. Only then will the numbers dumped decline!
April, 2008 – Our visit to FHDD (the Centre in Fethiye)
After the municipality’s attempt to build us a truly
unsatisfactory dog pound here in Akyaka, we decided to take
Ahmet Çalca on a visit to the Fethiye Centre, which was built as
a role model for other centres. Perihan Agnelli met us and gave
our Mayor a tour of the centre, followed up with a long talk
between just the two of them about solving stray animal
problems. We really hope the visit has given our local
government new perspectives.
May, 2008 Our annual vaccinations and general medication
Since 2004, usually around spring-time, we ask Akyaka Council to
arrange the necessary vaccinations and all other general
medication to ensure the health of both the dogs themselves and
all of us who come into contact with them.
In addition to this check every 3-4 months we check all our
strays and de-worm them with parataks-plus. After the
tick-crisis in other parts of Turkey, we put ‘Front-line’ on our
June, 2008 - our strays also had their Rabies. A busy time!
The Blue Flag Dilemma!
Although it’s good news that our Akyaka beach has received a
Blue Flag (indication of clean and safe sea), but what about our
strays!? L Our beach dogs have been attraction to many tourists
who like to spoil them with their love and treats during the
summer months – we have many letters from our regular visitors
to prove this!) They all have their favourite corner and the
whole beach is divided up between them. When this dog pound was
established by the municipal, we had a sinking feeling that our
beloved ones would end up in this place far away from village
from their usual spots during the summer months! We tried to
make it clear from the beginning that this would not be
acceptable, as the neutered and vaccinated dogs by law should be
left along with us. Emptying the beach of dogs would not help
but only provide space for new arrivals, all of which would not
be sterilized, vaccinated or have had any health check!! A real
vicious circle … Our work needs to be done in the correct way
from the beginning. We cannot have already sterilized and
vaccinated dogs put away in poor conditions in an unattended,
unsuitable dog-pound! Thanks to the arguments our friend Tarkan
has put forward to the municipality, it has been agreed that the
strays are allowed on the beach. The criteria's of a blue flag
does not mention that dogs should be kept away! It leaves the
animal issue to the local policies, which ‘neuter and release’
has been the local policy of Akyaka since 2001 as a test resort
and, by law since 2004! The only relevant criteria required for
the Blue Flag, is that the beach and sea should not be
contaminated by animal faeces etc. We know that the restriction
of private dogs on beach has raised yet another issue which has
to be resolved in the future.
Our dogs’ playtime on the beach!
in the early morning you can see packs of dogs playing on the
beach and in the sea! From time to time this may seem
threatening to some of our visitors, but be assured that this
play and play-fight is healthy for the social behaviour of our
street/beach dogs. In the end they sort out their relationships
and none of the dogs are injured (just occasionally through this
rough play they rip off their ear tags, which ARE important to
us for their registration and show that they have been
sterilized). We try to explain this as much as possible but
unfortunately we still have some visitors and summer residents
who react by throwing sticks and stones at our loved ones which
can make them aggressive – another problem hard for us to solve.
July, 2008 Arapkız is hit by a car
_small.jpg) Arapkız
(who is also advertised in the ‘dogs looking for a home’
section) had arrived in Akyaka at the beginning of this summer.
She was sterilized and her vaccinations just completed when in
the last week of July she was hit by a car just outside the
municipal building. The driver of the car asked for help from
members of the choral group who were practicing inside the
building, he needed to pull our poor dog out from under his car.
This done, he drove away leaving the dog there in great pain!
Yes! You read that right and the story gets worse. Sema hn.
called our ‘emergency people’ to the accident site immediately -
the local vet. Hasan Ulaş and the Gendarmerie. The Gendarmerie,
having got the number of the car, found out that the driver is a
new teacher at the nearby town, Yatağan. They also got his
mobile number so we called him up about this situation, only to
be told that he cannot help further! After this reply we ask the
various authorities to issue a summons and report the incidence
to the Ministry of Education! Arapkız was diagnosed with a long
homerus fracture and was operated on by the team of Villa-pet in
Marmaris. He then spent three weeks in Vet Hasan Ulaş’s care at
his kennels. Today she is one of our beach ladies, totally
recovered without any trace of the accident. A beautiful
Labrador mix looking for a new home - see our homes needed page.
August, 2008 Whiskies accident and operation
a week after this drama, at a late hour in the evening a
speeding motorbike hits Whisky. He had been about to hit two
young girls but as they escape this crazy driver, Whisky, who is
right behind them, is the one hit by the bike. The girls
immediately call Gendarmerie. According to the vets it is a
miracle she survived the accident with a broken lower jaw and a
few other wounds. Whisky is operated by the team of Villa-pet in
Marmaris and spends five weeks in Vet. Hasan Ulaş’s kennel
receiving special care J She is now back in her particular
corner, a much loved dog in her neighbourhood.
don’t be a ‘traffic monster’! Please drive SLOW through
Akyaka! Speeding drivers have become a menace to both humans and
animals on our streets in Akyaka especially at weekends and all
during high season. We ask for better control and punishments
from the local traffic police!.
Our second hand stoll at the market
It has
become the social gathering place on Wednesdays for many people
who like animals and like to go through the second hand stuff as
well. Any income, as everybody knows, goes to the benefit ouf
our stray animals. Most times on the market day (Wednesday) from
9.00 to 13.00 our volunteers offer the donated clothing and
other goods for very good prices. So don't be shy !
September, 2008 New arrivals! Continuation of the
With the number of tourists decreasing, the dogs which often
leave or hide away during the summer months, start to become
more visible! Due to the heat of the summer months we don’t
often to sterilize them during this period. In September we take
the newly arrived bitches for operation by Vet. Hasan Ulaş,
where they also stay for few days for post-operative care.
Thanks to Jane and Itır hn. we managed to get 10 new dogs
September, 2008, Another regular deworming session and parasite
control of new arrivals.
September, 2008 – 2 very Special new arrivals
Have you seen a very smart dog running all over Akyaka – a
splendid foxhound – almost certainly pure-bred – followed
bravely by a little mixed breed puppy trying hard to keep up and
when you look closely you will see that this little fellow has
only three legs! The Foxhound is aptly named Gezgin (the
wanderer!) and pup is Guçlu Uçlu (the strong 3 legged one!) but
usually just ‘puppy’! The pair arrived in Akyaka and mother was
desperately looking for shelter for her offspring. He seems to
have been born this way – or maybe had a withered lower leg
which could have become infected so mother dealt with in her own
way. After Gezgin’s operation she and ‘puppy’ were given a large
kennel by Mrs Irmgard which was put down near the fishermen at
the quiet end of the harbour. Jane has fallen in love with the
pair and has visited them every evening with food but now she is
away for the winter months Sonia has kindly taken over care of
‘puppy’. Mum continues exploring everywhere she can and maybe
she is wondering why her pup is still hanging around! Jane has
contacted foxhound kennels in UK (even though there is no
possibility of rehoming her there) in case they knew anyone in
Europe who might give them a home. So far no luck but if only
someone in Akyaka would give her a kennel or corner of a balcony
and love her, she will be perfectly happy to continue as a
‘Happy Wanderer’. Apparently foxhounds MUST have plenty of
exercise and who betide anyone that tries to keep them
house-bound as they will expend their energy on destroying
September, 2008 Distemper alarm!
In September a dog with an owner, Sakız, had apparently caught
distemper in Muğla and did not survive the disease. She was
owned by people who ran the Aşkyaka cafe, on the sea front by in
the forest. Unfortunately at this time, Muğla had an epidemic of
distemper, so we tried to catch up with vaccinating the new
arrivals. But ......
October/November 2008
..... two of these new comers caught distemper and were under
veterinary care for several weeks. Sema hn. Itır hn. and Jane
did all they could to save them from this awful disease which
starts with bronchial infection and then later affects the
nervous system. Sadly we lost both of them in the last week of
November. Two years ago we had had a similar epidemic and one of
our strays died. Puppies usually are very difficult to save but
the older ones, with good care and vit. B, can survive this
disease, some without any trace but some with twitching. Bingo
and Arap are two such dogs that have survived. We have now
decided that all our new arrivals will be first given the
complete vaccination which covers distemper and parva etc.
November, 2008 Perihan Agnelli gives a speech to school
children about stray animals in Turkey.
November, 2008 Many of you have seen the pictures and
read the amazing story of Cesur who is famous now for being the
‘wheely dog’! He lives now in İzmir with Yasemin and leads a
full life with new friends and regular walks with other dogs.
There is a lovely video clip of Cesur playing quite naturally
with another dog and we all know how much Yasemin’s care has
given this brave young man a new life.
So that is our diary of events in Akyaka during 2008 but
throughout the year .....
We have of course run our weekly second-hand stall on the
Wednesday market. There are about 5 or 6 regular helpers who
keep it going except when it is raining or during the very
hottest months because several of us ‘escape’ the 40º +. We
continue to receive regular donations from local people not only
in Akyaka but also in the villages around. Many of our foreign
visitors leave items behind after their holiday and often
surprise us with a generous donation when they come to talk to
us at our ‘table’. Akyaka is remarkable in that one rarely finds
a foreigner making their ‘first visit’ to our little village.
Once found, people come back year after year and the record I
think are the two ladies who have been here nearly 50 times!! It
is always good to know that although our dogs go through a
difficult time in high summer when to many visitors they are NOT
welcome, the majority of visitors from outside Turkey think of
our street/beach dogs as their friends, and if one is missing,
come and ask us what has happened to their favourite. Luckily we
can show them a printed copy of our computer records and check
for news and present whereabouts.
Back to beginning
Akayaka Dogs Go To
(Honey) and Badem (Almond) were dumped in our village in early
2006. Each of them was neutered and vaccinated and then we
started to look for new homes for these two lovely dogs. They
are now happily settled in different parts of Germany and much
of the searching was done through Rosi Ohle’s wonderful website
and we are so grateful to her for the work she does.
Originally, Rosi, who spends much of the summer months in this
area, wanted to find homes for ‘disabled’, elderly or
chronically ill street dogs to give them some relief from their
past hardships.
Another lady, Semiha was
also looking on Rosi’s website because she had taken in a street
dog, Çapkın (Skirt Chaser!) who had one back leg that was quite
useless and Semiha had heard about Rosi’s help with finding a
sympathetic home. So all three dogs were chipped and while we
were waiting for responses Bal was looked after by Mrs Gül and
Badem went to Uschi’s home and Çapkın was with Yasemin.
things worked out and in November 2006, Yasemin and Anita took
all three dogs by plane to Germany! All of them have settled
down very well and been accepted by both the new human families
and the dogs already in those homes! Bal is living with Nicole
and her sister Helen (friends of Yasemin) who live near Munich
(with two other dogs) and Badem went to one of Rosi’s friends,
Tamara, who lives in Hanover. Tamara had lost her own dog a few
months before but when she saw the photos of Badem she decided
to take her. Again, Badem has settled down happily there!
Our Çapkın is in Stutgart
with Petra who works in an Animal Welfare Organisation, and is
now one of three dogs in the family. Petra tried to arrange an
operation to restore use of the back leg but the injury was too
old and vets suggested amputation would be the best solution.
This was done and Çapkın is now running around quite happily on
three legs!!
Back to
Again - Poisonings!
the winter months from time to time the usual poisoning of dogs
took place ... Vet Hasan’s prompt response for help when we
called him for these emergencies, saved several of these poor
animals but sadly we lost Wolfi and Aykız. Not only the animal
lovers of Akyaka condemn these cruel acts, but we hear from so
many residents who are upset and think that this is barbaric. The
perpetrators should be named and shamed.
Back to
Needed – A Care Unit For Puppies!
Another regular winter event
is the ‘dumping’ of pregnant bitches and unwanted puppies
(mainly female) in Akyaka .... they are brought here from
surrounding villages presumably because they think that animal
lovers here will solve their problem. Mrs Makbule and Mrs Aysel
take care of so many of these and after giving parasite tablets
and their first injections these good ladies look for homes. All
new owners are told that they MUST neuter their new pets (as the
law in Turkey now requires this for street dogs) and local vets
will usually reduce their fees. Our group also takes them to
FHHD on one of our regular ‘runs’. If only we had a care unit
here supported by our local Council.
Our next story shows that it
isn’t just outlying villages that believe in ‘dumping’
Back to
How The Gökova Council Rounds Up Street Dogs And
Why We’ve Protested Against It!
the end of April someone brought news to our ‘secondhand table’
at the Wednesday market in Akyaka that Gökova Council had been
‘collecting’ unwanted street dogs, using a stun gun (Yes that
nice little village with the Saturday market ...) We went to
question the Council there and found that the Mayor was ‘out of
town’ but we asked what they were doing with these dogs they had
‘stunned’. We were told what we half guessed – they were being
taken outside far from the village and when we warned them that
this was now against the law in Turkey, they promised that they
would suspend this practice until the Mayor came back when he
would be consulted. There had been a mother and her pups living
in the market area but after being ‘stunned’ the mother
disappeared and has never been seen again. Her puppies have
survived but have severe mange which Vet Hasan is treating. Sema
Meral made a follow-up visit and asked about the disappearance
of this mother and she learned that perhaps the bitch had
received too large a dose in the stun gun and had probably died.
Sema also found part of the stun gun and with this evidence
there have been several complaints to the courts about the whole
‘collection’ system. These have been made to the Mayor of
Gökova himself, the Ula Court, the Muğla Governor and the
Provincial Director of Muğla’s Protection of Nature Department.
Back to
Control Of Parasites For our Street Dogs!
Every 3 months all our dogs
are given Paradix plus to control ticks and fleas. This spring
Annegreta brought us ‘Frontline’ as a donation for which we
thank her so much. This kind of help from our summer visitors
(whether for a couple of weeks or several months) really helps
us keep the dogs clear of parasites and no threat to all the
people on our beach!
Back to
Mayor Helps With The Supply Of Combination Rabies
Every year the provincial
vets come to Akyaka and we collect those dogs needing rabies
injections or a renewal jab – they are also wormed if
necessary. But now thanks to our Mayor Ahmed Çalçı we now have
a combination Rabies Plus vaccination with which the Council
will continue to supply us. Thanks also to Vet Hasan who you
will see in the pictures administering this new vaccine down
near the beach!
Back to
Cesur (The Brave) –
Previously Wölfi – Is Rescued!
the forest around Kozlukuyu a severely injured dog lay only half
alive after being paralysed from some accident. A kindly
citizen alerted us to this situation and we found this poor
animal who had survived by eating its own faeces. Wolfi was
brought (to Yasemin’s) home and looked after for several weeks
After cleaning his open wounds and trimming matted hair (and
giving him the love he so deserved) thorough check ups and xrays
followed and it was found that this brave little dog, Wolfi (now
renamed Cesur - Brave!) had broken his 3rd vertebrae. Never to
be defeated, we found a wonderful website supplying wheels for
similar dogs ... This is and the main organisation
operates from Holland (but the website shows links in the UK as
well) and is run by Vivienne and Harco Jans. When they heard
story they immediately offered us wheels for our little dog FREE
of CHARGE! Within a few days another Dutch lady, Ellen Dijkman,
who is a regular visitor to Akyaka, had made all the
arrangements in Holland with the suppliers and after only two
days the wheels arrived here in the village at Melek and Yakup’s
home! This lightning delivery was because Melek’s brother,
Diederic, was flying to Turkey that week and could bring the
wheels! Very soon Cesur was taken to the beach and ‘attached’ to
his new apparatus. Once again he was mobile and ‘running’ around
the beach! From the photos you can see how quickly and how
happily Cesur adapted to this wonderful gift! Harco Jans is
willing to help in any similar circumstance. How lucky that
email, Skype, and animal lovers can so quickly get together in
an emergency like this!
Back to
Mrs Anita Sets Up
Kitten Care In Her Home
our village it is really hard to control the cat population as
so many are wild or semi-wild. This year Anita heard so many
reports of abandoned kittens in dustbins and by the road side
that she has set up a care station in her home (see the photos
of Anita and the kittens) where they can be hand fed with
special nourishing food – until new homes are found. But where
can we find such homes? What is needed is for a mobile clinic
(like the dog clinic that came twice yearly from 2001 until
2004) to visit Akyaka to neuter these mothers and thus check
this over production of kittens! Another summer visitor
Annegrete has also brought us a cat trap which she is using in
the top part of the village to catch cats for neutering.
Back to
Our Neutering Program Continues Apace!
- Our visit to FHDD where Vet Emre performs his skilful
operations on the dogs (and some cats) continue every few weeks
and nearer to home Vet Hasan at Karya Clinic gives us his
support whenever we need him for emergency sterilisations.
When you read all this you
will agree, I’m sure, that whilst we thank our Mayor for the
help he gives us we desperately need more help with
Further action to find the
perpetrators of the poisoning of our animals
Control of ‘dumping’ in
Akyaka from outlying villages
Help with organising a
clinic to visit Akyaka and neuter our street cats
If only people could
understand that each ‘registered’ street dog that dies has had
between 100 and 200 YTL ‘invested’ in its sterilisation,
parasite control, rabies injections, not to mention our petrol
costs to FHDD! When our dogs die off then another batch turn up
needing all this attention over again!
Back to
All these stories were
written originally by Yasemin Ilseven who has sadly decided to
leave Akyaka and move to the Cesme peninsular near Izmir. She
has worked so long and hard for the Akyaka group and had so many
unwanted/sick/ poisoned dogs in her home here and we all wonder
how we can manage without her ... The WE in the stories is
usually Mrs Anita and Yasemin - Anita is a qualified nurse who
is always out helping in our many emergencies. I hope that this
2006/7 update will encourage our British visitors to email us
and perhaps bring medicines out to us when they visit. And if
you are here don't forget to talk to us at the Wednesday Market
second-hand stall (mornings only).
Back to