Emine Türker 12.07. - 21.07. 2013
artist was born in Çankırı.
For 26 years she worked for the State Education Ministry as a teacher of
handicrafts. During this time, in order to sustain and develop traditional arts
and crafts in Turkey and to gain the interest of new generations she had
personal and group exhibitions with her students. The artist began painting in
1997 in the workshop of Sabri Akça, thencontinued to work with Hikmet Çetinkaya.
Nowadays in Ankara, with her own studio, she works with Erdogan Seçil on the
concept of art with colour and stain. To date she has hadpersonal
exhibitions in İstanbul and Ankara, participated in Antalya Arts Festival
Exhibitions, and had 15 group exhibitions.
1998 Ankara Art Gallery, group
2000 SSK Art Gallery, Ankara, personal
2001 RD Art Gallery, Ankara, group
2001 Ankara Museum of the Republic, group
2001 Swiss Hotel, personal
2001 Contemporary Art Gallery, Ankara, group
2002 Subject Art House, Ankara, group
2003 RD Art Gallery, Ankara, group
2003 National Lottery Art Gallery, Ankara, group
2003 Antalya 2. Art Festival, group
2004 National Lottery Art Gallery, Ankara, group
2004 Foreign Trade & Treasury Undersecretariat, group
2004 Vakıfbank Art Gallery, İstanbul, personal
2005 Art Gallery Development Bank of Turkey, group
2007 Armada Shopping Centre, group
2008 Ankara National Library, group
