She was born in Istanbul in 1978. She spent her childhood and schooldays in Istanbul between 1978-1983. Since her family came from Bodrum, she has spent the summers at the Aegean and Mediterranean coast. She passed her childhood with passion for the sea and the nature. She has assimilated traditional Anatolian life- the slopes, the stone houses, bread-making women of the Mediterranean region. She has decorated her childhood dreams with them. Maybe, if there had been someone to encourage her, she would have started painting in those years, so passionate was she. She waited. In 1996 she finished Florya Tevfik Ercan High school. In 1998 she fell in love and got married.
In 2001, she moved to Akyaka due to her husbands work. She got closer to Bodrum, her family and the Mediterranean. In 2002, she thought it was the right time and started painting with Svetlana Inanç. She joined the artist group at Semiramis Öner Workshop in Gökova-Ataköy.
In 2003 and 2004, she participated in the mixed exhibitions at Mugla State Art Gallery and Akyaka Nail Çakirhan-Halet Çambel Gallery. The artist continues her work with her characteristic colours and figures including nature and human love topics from her childhood.
Its her first personal exhibition.